
Childwall AbbeySchool

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Christmas Message

We wish all members of the Childwall Abbey School community a very happy and peaceful break over the Christmas holiday. Our pupils, parents, carers, governors and staff have coped and adapted so well, in such strange circumstances. We are grateful to everyone for their support.


Despite the challenges of keeping everyone safe, we have been able to have some modified Christmas celebrations in school. Our Christmas card design competition had so many excellent entries! The little class “bubble” Christmas trees have been twinkling cheerfully. The big tree in the Pupil Entrance area, decorated by Sixth-form, has added some festive cheer. The Christmas Jumper Day raised £90 for Save the Children, a worthy cause at any time and especially important this year. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Well done to Sixth-form, who raised £225 through their Enterprise projects. Thanks go to all their customers. The money will support ongoing Sixth-form project. We are also grateful to those parents, carers, grandparents who have very kindly made donations to School Fund in lieu of gifts this year.


“Our “bubble” Christmas lunches were joyful events, full of fun and music. We offer our sincere thanks to our cook, the ladies in the kitchen and our team of cleaners for all their extra hard work this week. During our run up to the holiday, staff have captured a flavour of our activities which you can see on our video.


As you know, the situation with regard to Covid safety is currently very uncertain and advice and guidance is constantly evolving. We have added links on the Latest News Documents page to the latest information letters from Liverpool City Council regarding a safe Christmas break and the Department for Education regarding school contact tracing over the next few days.


Once again, a huge “well done” to everyone, many thanks to parents and carers for their support and understanding and here’s looking forward to a Happy 2021!
