
Childwall AbbeySchool

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Happy half-term!

We have had a very positive time in school over the past few weeks. We are so proud of our KS3 pupils, who took part in this year’s Dot Art competition. The three winners will be taking part in a virtual awards ceremony. Thank you to everyone who voted! C.A.S. School Council election was a great success very. Class representatives are wearing their badges with pride. The first Council meetings went well. Our councillors have lots of great ideas. Our Sixth-formers have been working very hard, developing our horticulture area, which is filling up with lots of lovely flowers, fruit and vegetables.


During half-term, our new C.A.S. website will be launched. We’re not expecting any technical difficulties but if there any and and we need to share information with parents/carers, this will be via text messaging.


When we return on 7th June 2021, we will be heading towards the summer holidays. Virtual Parents Evenings will take place on 14th and 21st June. We will hold a Summer Sports Activity Day this year. Unfortunately, on the advice of LCC, we will not be able to invite Parents and Carers to attend. We will do our best to capture events and share pictures via the website. Year 11 pupils and Sixth-form Leavers will be on the run up to the next stage of their education. We wish them the very best of luck as they prepare to move on to college or Sixth form in September and hope that they enjoy their long summer holiday. Their leaving date is Friday 25th June 2021, at the usual time.


After the holiday, we hope to be out and about locally and on our site, enjoying good weather. Please apply sun cream to your child before coming to school, if required. Drinking water is available as required. Water bottles from home are not needed.


We have been asked to share two sets of information with you, one from Liverpool City Council and one from Public Health Liverpool. Please see the links in the Latest News Documents section to read them.


PLEASE NOTE: parents/carers should contact school if their child develops Covid symptoms BEFORE 3pm on Sunday 30th May 2021. Please leave a message on the school email – After this time, contacting school is not necessary.


There are no significant changes to our Covid Key Information. You can read the latest version on the Latest News Documents section.  Here’s hoping the sun shines on us all week. Have a safe and happy holiday.
