
Childwall AbbeySchool

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Attendance Matters


Good attendance and being on time are two of the most important ways to make sure pupils get the most out of their time in school. Regular or persistent absence and lateness seriously affects a young person's ability to learn, make friendships and develop academically and socially in the long term.


At Childwall Abbey School we strongly encourage parents and carers to work closely with our Attendance Lead (Mr Maloney), Admin Team, Pastoral Team and the whole staff to make sure their child does not miss out. Parents and carers are asked to ensure their child attends school every day and in good time. We understand that this can be a difficult challenge. Parents and carers should feel welcome to let school know as soon as possible if they are struggling in any way with supporting their child to maintain good attendance. 



Liverpool local authority has introduced an Attendance Quality Mark called “Attendance Matters”. We are delighted that Childwall Abbey School was one of the first schools to achieve this important standard.


The assessment covered six Key Themes:

  • Policy Framework
  • Leadership and Management
  • Effectiveness of strategies to improve attendance and reduce persistent absenteeism
  • Relationships and engagement with all stakeholders
  • Use of data
  • Quality of provision


Our dedicated team of pastoral and administrative staff make attendance a key focus every day. We all have a responsibility to encourage good attendance and welcome contact with parents who may have any concerns.


You can view the school’s Attendance Policy under Key Information >> Policies.
