
Childwall AbbeySchool

welcoming • learning • achieving • enjoying

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Who's Who


Please see our list of key staff contacts below:


  • Headteacher – Cath Piercy
  • Deputy Headteacher (SENDCo) - Pam Shaw
  • Chair of Governors – Gill Rogerson
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – Jeff Radford
  • Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) – Pam Shaw
  • Attendance Lead - Ronnie Maloney
  • Business Manager – Karen Deegan
  • Receptionist – Laura Duffy
  • Administrative Assistant - Laura Churchill
  • STEAM Instructor - Don Mills
  • Assessment Lead – Ian Watkins
  • Curriculum Lead – Kate Groves
  • Sixth form Lead (Transition) – Jeanette McCombs
  • Exams Officer – Kerri Barrett
  • Careers Coordinator – Neil Murray
  • Children in the Care of the Local Authority (CLA) Coordinator – Beth Bates
  • Enrichment and Quality Marks Coordinator – Dominic Wallis
  • Learning Mentor – Jeff Radford
  • School Counsellor – Sofia Dorian
  • Mental Health Strategic Lead (MHSL) – Cath Piercy
  • Mental Health Operational Lead (MHOL) – Pete Morrow


Other contacts


  • Independent Advice and Guidance (Careers) – Neil Alecock
  • Education Welfare Officer (EWO) – Emma Crellin
  • School Family Support Service Worker – Jaime Cranham
  • School Nurse – Katie Garrity
  • Data Protection Officer (DPO) - Mike Jones - 0151 351 1655
  • Home-to-School Transport Team – 0151 233 6511


All the above may be contacted on the school number – 0151 722 1995 or via
