
Childwall AbbeySchool

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C.A.S. School Uniform

We maintain a high standard of dress throughout Childwall Abbey School and appreciate support from parents and carers. Many items can be found in most clothes shops and supermarkets (e.g. shirts, trousers or skirts). Our tie, sweatshirt, jumpers and cardigans can be purchased from school.



  • Black skirt or black trousers (no leggings)
  • White polo shirt/blouse
  • School tie (optional)
  • Childwall Abbey School purple sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
  • White, grey or black socks
  • Black everyday shoes - not boots - heels no higher than 2cms)
  • Black or white sandals in summer – not backless for safety purposes
  • Black blazer (optional - these can be purchased from Laser Schoolwear if school badge is required.



  • Black trousers (no jeans)
  • White polo shirt/white shirt
  • School tie (optional)
  • Childwall Abbey School purple sweatshirt or jumper
  • White, grey or black socks.
  • Black everyday shoes - not boots
  • Black Blazer (optional - these can be purchased from Laser Schoolwear if school badge is required.


A waterproof, hooded coat allows outdoor activities and breaks in all weathers.


Summer uniform (optional)

Purple and white gingham summer dress. Dark grey or black school shorts.



Black and white dress code, appropriate for work within school and out in the community.


P.E. and Outdoor activity kit

Pupils are expected to change for P.E. and dress appropriately for physical

For indoor and outdoor P.E. sessions


  • A plain white or black T shirt (no football kit or fashion items)
  • Black or white shorts (not football kit or cycling shorts)
  • Trainers
  • Sports socks
  • Towel


(Plain black jogging pants may be worn if preferred - not leggings)

For swimming

  • Trunks or costume (not cycling shorts or bikinis)
  • Towel
  • Swimming cap

For Forest School and planned Outdoor Learning activities

  • A plain T shirt (no football kit or fashion items)
  • Dark shorts (not football kit or cycling shorts) OR dark jogging
  • pants/trousers may be worn if preferred - not leggings
  • Sturdy waterproof shoes or trainers with comfortable socks (pupils may
  • bring Wellingtons to change into for outdoor activities if they wish)
  • Waterproof coat with zip/hood (Waterproof trousers may also be worn)


Jewellery, other than small stud earrings and watches, is not allowed in school.
Pupils wearing watches should remove them during P.E. sessions for personal
safety (It may be helpful to leave them at home on P.E. days.) Pupils who wear a
headdress for cultural or religious reasons must tuck them in safely during P.E.


Make up

Pupils are expected to attend school ready to study and without noticeable
make up e.g. long, false or brightly coloured nails, false eyelashes or heavy
mascara, lipstick. This is not appropriate for the school day.


Price List


Available from school:

Sweatshirts Price
11/12/13 years£12.00
Medium/Large/Extra Large£14.00
32” / 34”£16.00
36” / 38”£18.00
32” / 34”£17.00
36” / 38”£19.00
School tie


Available from Laser Schoolwear:

Summer dresses
10-14 years£7.99 - £8.99

