
Childwall AbbeySchool

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Liverpool Counts


Childwall Abbey School is delighted to announce that we have been awarded the ‘Liverpool Counts’ silver quality mark.



‘Liverpool Counts’ is the launch of a new quality mark to recognise excellent practice in schools and other education establishments as part of a drive to improve attainment in mathematics at all levels in education.


The aims of the quality mark are to:

  • raise standards in mathematics and numeracy with fun and joy of number at its heart.
  • challenge perceptions and change attitudes towards numeracy and mathematics.
  • raise the profile of numeracy using activities, events and resources based on real-life.
  • bring relevance to numeracy through problem solving demonstrating it is an essential skill.

We are also aiming to achieve the gold quality mark starting with the new school term in September.

Here are some useful links for you to try at home or in class: