
Childwall AbbeySchool

welcoming • learning • achieving • enjoying

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Headteachers' Welcome

Childwall Abbey School is a Local Authority specialist secondary school for pupils with
Complex Learning Difficulties, aged 11-19.
  We are located in a beautiful part of the south of Liverpool and have thriving links with our local community.  Our aim is to provide quality education, for pupils who have a wide variety of learning difficulties, often including Autistic Spectrum Disorder.


At Childwall Abbey, we know that all our pupils can achieve, if they are able to experience a curriculum, learning environment and support, which meets their individual needs.


Our Mission Statement underpins all our practice in the busy daily life of our school.


We aim to be:

“A calm, safe and welcoming place in which to work and learn.
A place where everyone supports each other to achieve.
A place we enjoy coming to each day.”


At Childwall Abbey, we understand the importance of working very closely with parents, carers, governors and many other agencies, to develop independence and self-esteem in all our pupils. Pupils are supported and challenged to develop skills for adult life, to achieve nationally accredited certification, to enjoy opportunities to learn outside the classroom and to become kind, respectful, active and positive contributors to the wider community.


I hope you find our website useful. Please contact the school if you require any further help or information.






Cath Piercy (Headteacher)
