A calm, safe and welcoming place in which to work and learn.
A place where everyone supports each other to achieve.
A place we enjoy coming to each day.
English is a vital element of the National Curriculum and is the key medium by which we communicate across the whole of our C.A.S. curriculum. The study of English allows pupils to develop a range of skills that support their basic skills development and as a by-product to become confident and efficient communicators.
The four main area within English are –
• Reading
• Writing
• Speaking
• Listening
All pupils access English lessons and the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum are offered to our pupils in an appropriate way. High expectations are encouraged so that pupils can aspire, achieve and progress well.
The English curriculum values and promotes the skills of reading, writing and oracy. Lessons are sequenced so that a scaffolded approach can support our pupils to learn and to build on prior learning. The goal is that pupils’ confidence and self-esteem develop through their experience of success and enjoyment in English, which will support positive and effective post-CAS transition.
Our summative assessments for English are carried out at set times during the school year and ongoing formative assessments are embedded and overseen by senior staff. Pupils can then build on their knowledge through effective, inclusive class teaching. All pupils aspire to achieve nationally accredited qualifications in English at Year 11 (Entry Level and where appropriate GCSE). Sixth-form students continue to work on English skills with a Life Skills and Transition focus.
Where pupils require additional support, this is available on-hand within class and is enhanced by access to a robust intervention process overseen by our SENDCo in collaboration with the English co-ordinator, form teachers and support staff.
Wherever possible, opportunities are identified throughout the school year to promote the enjoyment and practical application of reading, writing, speaking and listening, through assemblies, competitions, special events and engagement with outside speakers, writers and performers.