
Childwall AbbeySchool

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Liverpool Health & Wellbeing Award


We are proud to announce that Childwall Abbey School has achieved the Liverpool Health & Wellbeing 'Silver' Award. As a community, we work hard to improve health, raise pupil achievement, improve social inclusion and encourage closer working between health and education providers to support the needs of our pupils, their families and our staff.


The criteria for the award are applied across the whole school, including partnerships with parents/carers and outside agencies, providing all staff with appropriate training, encouraging a positive culture and environment in school and planning health based learning activities. We were assessed in the following areas –

  • Learning, Teaching and Curriculum
  • PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)
  • Emotional Health & Wellbeing
  • Physical Activity
  • Healthy Eating


Through initiatives such as the Magic Breakfast bagels in the morning, Food for Thought and the School Council working together to develop a healthy lunch menu, fun healthy activities such as the Daily Mile, Forest Schools, football, fitness and dance clubs at lunchtimes, as well as  our involvement in horticulture at Church Acre,  as a community, C.A.S. takes Health and Wellbeing seriously!


Our next goal will be to achieve the Gold Award.

