
Childwall AbbeySchool

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Careers rationale

A calm, safe and welcoming place in which to work and learn.
A place where everyone supports each other to achieve.
A place we enjoy coming to each day.

At Childwall Abbey School (CAS) we deliver a Careers Curriculum which is aspirational and through which we aim to ensure that all pupils are prepared for their next steps in life and that they experience a successful transition from school. Our Careers Curriculum, alongside our comprehensive PSHE Curriculum is tailored to ensure coverage of all the Gatsby Benchmarks and increase aspirations for all pupils.

(At CAS we deliver our Careers Curriculum through the Talentino scheme of work, modified to support appropriate access for our complex pupils, from Y7 through to Y14. Key elements are revisited as appropriate and extending activities to challenge our students.)

Through our programme of study pupils develop confidence, resilience and knowledge of the wider world post-school. Our pupils aspire to a future which includes the opportunity to make a positive contribution to society either in paid employment or in the voluntary sector.
CAS careers curriculum is tailored to support and challenge our students and focuses on gaining the knowledge and the practical and social skills required to access the world of college and work successfully.  It is inclusive, ambitious and progressive.

The CAS Careers programme looks at the many types of work available and helps pupils to understand the key skills related to carrying out those roles successfully.  Pupils are supported to consider practical and aspirational options. Pupils across all Key Stages meet and work with our Independent Advice and Guidance (IAG) Career Specialist, who is also available to support and work with parents and carers throughout pupils’ time at CAS and during Transition. As part of Transition preparation, all pupils have group and/or individual sessions with our IAG specialist who also attends Annual Reviews as needed.

Part of the CAS Careers programme involves students in carrying out enterprise activities, which focus on developing and applying essential employability skills such as Communication (including Literacy and Oracy), Numeracy, Problem solving, Self-motivation and Adaptability, Organisation, Teamwork, and Negotiation.  As pupils progress, the focus shifts into developing understanding of the realities of the world of work e.g. work day routines, preparations needed before you go to work (personal presentation and hygiene, managing money, travel training), the types of work available in the local area and what growth industries may offer employment in the future.

In keeping with C.A.S. whole school aspiration to develop and maintain strong links with our local community, pupils have the opportunity to visit workplaces and to meet and hear from local employers about what their day entails, the types of jobs within their industry, the entry requirements for the jobs and how they might apply for them.  Throughout pupils’ time at CAS, all staff take every opportunity, during lessons as appropriate and especially during visits and off-site activities, to refer to the world of work and to different job roles pupils may see when out and about.

All CAS pupils have the opportunity to complete a work placement within Key Stage 4 or 5. This is accessed as and when appropriate, in relation to their individual needs, in particular their SEMH issues and their levels of readiness and provides an invaluable “real-life” experience.

All pupils have opportunities to visit and meet representatives from local further and higher education establishments and to learn about their courses, including apprenticeships, supported internships and traineeships.  As a community we know that hearing from past pupils about their experiences in finding and maintaining a college placement or job is particularly engaging and meaningful for our pupils.

All students at CAS are actively encouraged by word and example to believe that they can and should seek full time employment as a life choice. They know that they have something individual to offer their community and they understand the benefits, both financial, social and in terms of independence, that achieving further education and employment can offer.
Pupils achievements in the area of Careers are accredited through ASDAN and Duke of Edinburgh Award.
