
Childwall AbbeySchool

welcoming • learning • achieving • enjoying

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People who help us...

At Childwall Abbey School there are lots of people ready to support you, so that you can to enjoy attending school and achieving. We want you to feel safe and happy. We want you to know that you can always ask for help or advice.


We help in lots of different ways, including:

  • Confidence building
  • Talking to parents on your behalf or supporting you to tell them how you feel.
  • Helping you to get into school every day and on time.
  • Supporting you if you need help in any subject or lesson
  • Offering a quiet place where you can come and sort out problems.


Our Pastoral Team includes:

  • Form Teachers
  • Form LSOs
  • Mr Maloney – Attendance support
  • Mrs Shaw – Safeguarding and Interventions
  • Mr Radford – Safeguarding and Learning Mentor
  • Ms Dorian - School Counsellor
  • Mrs Piercy, Mr Morrow – Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • ALP 1 - Support Team - Quiet working
  • ALP 2 - Mrs Drewitt, Ms Halliday, Ms Dorian - Transition
  • ALP 3 - Mrs Davies, Mrs Tootle – Social Communication support
  • ALP 4 - Ms Mason – Learning  Support Intervention
  • ALP 5 – Mr Mills – STEAM Intervention


If you ever feel that you need help or are worried in any way, there are lots of people who are ready to listen. We all work together to help each other.



