Well done to everyone for making such a calm and successful return to being all together in school over the past few weeks. Special thanks to parents and carers who have kept us updated regarding Covid test results and isolation and who have encouraged all our children to return to school from 8th March.
Many thanks to all who contributed to our “own clothes day” fundraiser for Comic Relief. The total raised was £104, which is excellent.
After the holiday, pupils and staff will continue to work in bubbles and transport arrangements. The modified timetable will remain the same. Pupils must continue to attend school in uniform, except on PE days when they must attend in appropriate clothing to allow them take part in physical activities i.e. plain t-shirt or sweatshirt and joggers (not fashion items or football kit please).
Our Key information update of C.A.S. expectations can be accessed on our Latest News Documents page.
Please see our Latest News Documents page for a letter from the Director of Children’s Services with regard to Covid safety.
Currently, we have a vacancy for a Parent Governor. Please consider supporting our school in this way. The nomination form and further information can be accessed on our Latest News Documents page.
As always, can we remind all parents and carers to be vigilant regarding their child’s access to social media, in all its forms, over the holiday. Further information and support is available on the E-safety section of our website Parents page and on our Twitter feed.