As we arrive at the first half-term holiday of this school year, we have an opportunity to reflect on how well the past few weeks of school have gone and to say a huge “Thank-you” to all our wonderful parents, carers, pupils and staff who have worked so hard as a team.
This half-term, we kept in place many of the Covid safety and hygiene measures, to help us stay safe and protect others. We returned to previous start and end of day times, so pupils are in school for all the time they should be. Buses have been mixed from September and we can dismiss pupils from the School Hall at the end of the day. This reduces the amount of time spent waiting for transport. The Friday Rewards “shop” is happening again, the School Library is in use, as are all the Intervention Support rooms. Visitors who provide face to face interventions or assessments for pupils have been back on site. Recently, staff have been able to rearrange desks in classes, to allow pupils to work together in groups, which everyone has enjoyed. The goal after half-term is to extend access to the Art Room, Science Lab and Computing Room to groups other than Key Stage 4. All this brings us much nearer to being our “old selves”.
The vast majority of pupils have behaved very sensibly with regard to Covid Safety. After Half-term, any pupil who wishes to bring a personal water bottle into school may do so. These bottles may not be shared. (This is always an important hygiene rule!). In keeping with our Healthy Schools rules, pupils must not bring juice or any drink except water into school, unless for a medical reason. Clean, fresh drinking water is always available in classes so bringing a water bottle is a choice not an expectation.
Pupils are still asked not to bring personal items into school, especially lanyards or cuddly toys of any size. Bags, if needed must be marked with the pupil’s name and small enough to hang up safely, out of the way.
Covid home-testing kits remain available to all pupils. All pupils have been given some for testing during the holiday. Additional kits can be requested from the school info@childwallabbeyschool email address. We would like to send a big “well done!” to all the Year 7-11 pupils who felt able to have the Covid vaccination last week. They were very brave and mature. This is another step towards keeping everyone safe and well.
Many thanks go out to all our parents and carers for sending your children to school in full uniform and with the appropriate PE kit. They look so smart and ready to learn. Please remember, as the weather gets colder and wetter, that all our pupils need to bring a waterproof coat with a hood and wear appropriate shoes for the autumn and winter months. This is especially important as we are still taking every opportunity to go outside for lessons and during breaktimes.
Keeping Safe has been a theme of some of our assemblies and is always a priority at C.A.S. Please remember that our children can be extremely vulnerable to online harm. The Parents section of the C.A.S. website has a list of Useful Links, which includes –
All these links are full of good advice and guidance if you have any concerns regarding your child’s safety online or in other circumstances. We would urge you to be vigilant and seek support if necessary.
Wishing you all a very happy and restful half-term holiday and looking forward to seeing our pupils again on Monday 1st November 2021.