Wishing all our C.A.S. community a very happy and restful half-term break. Thank you to everyone who has supported our school over the past weeks, especially those parents and carers from Year 7-10 who joined us for our very enjoyable series of coffee mornings. It was lovely to see you all and to celebrate our pupils’ hard work.
(Dates for Year 12 -14 and Year 11 Sixth-form Transition preparation coffee mornings will be circulated in the new half-term.)
Well done to all our Year 11s who are coming to the end of their exams. Not long to go now! Thank you to our lovely therapy pony friends, Tommy and Vinny who kindly visited us to celebrate the end of this busy half-term.
When we come back to school on Monday 6th June 2022, we will be very busy. Here are some important dates for your diaries.
Year 11 Work Experience (Group 2) – w/b 20th June
Year 11 and Sixth-form leavers last day in school – Friday 24th June
Parents Evening – Monday 27th June (3.45pm-5.30pm)
Sports Day (weather permitting!) – Friday 8th July
End of Summer Term – Friday 15th July (1pm)
Enjoy the holiday everyone and we’ll see you soon.