
Childwall AbbeySchool

welcoming • learning • achieving • enjoying

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Welcome back…

We hope that all the members of our school community had a happy, peaceful and sunny half-term and that everyone managed a little time outdoors.  Thank you to those folks who kindly sent their good wishes to staff.  From today there will be lots more fun activity ideas appearing on our work page and Twitter.  Look out for things you would like to do and feel free to share pics of your achievements if parents and carers are happy that it is safe for you to do this.  Always ask them first! (Parents/carers please check out the online safety advice further down this page and on our Parents/Carers Online Safety section)  Staff will be resuming well-being calls to families from today.


For the foreseeable future, there will be no change to arrangements for working from home, staying safe and well. When the situation is safe and plans do begin to change, parents and carers will hear directly from school.
